Sunday, December 29, 2019

Project Deliverables For The Fire Management Display Kit...

Project Deliverables. For these projects that I was assigned, there were some deliverables. For the fire management display kit project, I created a manual using Microsoft word. The manual consisted of a table with pictures of each display item and a description. Lakmal’s intention was to have it printed and laminated for the visitor s display. I had some problems formatting this table with the pictures in a visually pleasing manner. However, for the most part, this was a fairly simple project. For the zoom scale project, I first delivered an excel document containing the ideal zoom scales for each park. Once Lakmal determined that the information was suitable I updated a table on the Sharepoint page in order to allow other members†¦show more content†¦My only previous knowledge of offices work came from movies and TV shows. Despite these preconceived thoughts, I was optimistic that an office at Parks Canada would not be a stereotypical office like those seen on TV and in movies. For the most part, my optimism met the reality. The office was well lit and the people were very nice. My workspace was also not what I expected. I had a full sized cubicle with two large monitors. A comfortable chair and cupboard space to put my things in. There are very large windows all along the outside of the building that are visible from my cubicle which helped liven up the atmosphere. I was even allowed to wear headphones while I was working, this was a big plus while doing some tedious work. I did not find it too hard to get used to working in these conditions, however, I do feel it could have gotten a little stale if it had been a full-time job. All in all, I would say I am less scared of working in an office setting then I was before this opportunity. I now feel like I have a much better understanding of how the government operates and what expectations are put on government employees. I would say that my role was a supporting role. I basically was there t o take some of the workload off of Lakmal s shoulders. As explained in previous sections I was not working on any single project but a verity of smaller projects. For the most part what I was working on was notShow MoreRelatedthe log cabin project Essay2867 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿Introduction This project is planning to build a perfect Log Cabin a small holiday house; it will be built in the house garden. It will have 642sq feet to living space for two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and 78sq feet of terrace of terrace as well garden with a budget of  £39,824.7. The important of project is building cheap a log cabin that is to use materials obtained from own property, also using short time to build it and personal labor doing the work by hand will save most of the cost ofRead MoreItsc 2439 Ch1-12 Study Guides Essay28023 Words   |  113 Pagescomputer training class is to eliminate the need for documentation. ____ 48. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Student Athletes Should Be Paid - 1299 Words

College sports these days are a huge money pit, NCAA makes millions of dollars off of student athletes every year. Should the NCAA start sharing the profits with these student athletes, which every year help grow the NCAA brand? It’s an important question that seems to come up every day on television, the internet, and even in the newspaper. Student athletes are going to college on scholarships which are sold to them by coaches, scouts, and other school administration as a commitment to the student’s future. All they ask is for the student athlete to make a commitment to the school by signing a contract to attend, which is called the â€Å"letter of intent†. With the students make a commitment to attend this school for at least a four year†¦show more content†¦This is most likely the reason these young athletes elect to turn professional early. With the NCAA bringing in more money every year and student athletes starting to ask for a chuck of the profit pie. Should student athletes get paid for the helping the NCAA grow its brand or should they continue to be strictly amateurs? Many believe that paying college athletes is wrong because they are amateurs, or students first and athletes second. With tuition continuing to raise the average athletic scholarships aren’t covering the costs anymore. There is a misconception that most college athletes on athletic scholarships are getting everything paid for, in reality that’s actually false. For example, a Division I basketball team is granted thirteen scholarships each year. Of those thirteen scholarships the University is allowed to split them up however they feel. These scholarships are for incoming students from high school and returning student athletes that had their scholarship picked up for another year. According to author Mark Kantrowitz, less than 20,000 students a year receive an entirely free ride to college (O’Shaughnessy, 2011). That number is students total, not student athletes, that is a very small number when you see that there were 453,347 NCAA student athletes in 2012-13 (B rown, 2013). Student athletes don’t have it as good as most would think. They are normallyShow MoreRelatedStudent Athletes Should Not Be Paid934 Words   |  4 Pagessomebody to work two fulltime jobs and not get paid for it. Nobody would think it would be fair to work so hard and not receive any form of compensation. This is exactly what is happening to student athletes. Student athletes are not only fulltime students, but also are fulltime athletes. There are two very decisive sides to this argument. On one side the NCAA claims that the student athletes are amateurs and cannot be paid. They also claim they are paid in other ways such as a full ride scholarshipRead MoreStudent Athletes Should Be Paid1314 Words   |  6 PagesStudent athletes in college are held to a higher standard than normal students since they are juggling a lot more in their lives. Student athletes have to set aside a lot of time for practice while still maintaining good grades and a social life. Some people believe that because of this demanding schedule that student athletes should be paid. Where on the other hand many believe that they shouldn’t since they choose to be on a sports team, this is a topic that is debated upon by many. One solutionRead MoreStudent Athletes Should Not Be Paid927 Words   |  4 Pagesthe average cost of college for a student to go attend an in-state four year public university (â€Å"College Costs†). This amount does not include housing, food, books, or supplies; this can end up totaling near $10,000, but imagine if both of these figures were paid for you. This would mean you would pay nothing to attend a four year college, and this is the reality for many individuals today; these people are commonly known as student-athletes. Many student-athletes receive full scholarships to schoolsRead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1270 Words   |  6 PagesAthletic Association (NCAA), it also contributes to the income of colleges and the NC AA. Without student athletes, these colleges and the NCAA would not reap the benefits of college athletics, such as: increased awareness of colleges, higher application rates, and of course the revenue brought in from game and event tickets, apparel, and contracts for licensing and television rights. Since the student athletes, who devote a great deal of time to their sport, are the cog in the machine that is the NCAARead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1159 Words   |  5 PagesTyson Hartnett says, â€Å"Contrary to what all the opponents believe, being an athlete is a full-time job. On a typical day, a player will wake up before classes, get a lift or conditioning session in, go to class until 3 or 4 p.m., go to practice, go to mandatory study hall, and then finish homework or study for a test.For a little extra money to see a movie or go out to dinner once a week, my freshman roommate worked a job at the university, earning about $7/hour. He would work his butt off all dayR ead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1577 Words   |  7 Pages Whether or not student-athletes should be paid has been a hotly debated topic since the 1900s. College athletes spend just as much time, if not more time, practicing and devoting time and energy to sports as they do academics. For this, many athletes are rewarded with scholarship money. However, many people believe it is not enough. Should we pay student-athletes a slice of the wealth or is a full-ride scholarship enough? (Business Insider). What if the athlete gets injured? Where does the moneyRead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1323 Words   |  6 Pagestopic that is very controversial for everyone is, should student-athletes in college be compensated? There numerous evidence that supports in favor and many against the proposition of paying student- athletes who play sports for their university. As a college athlete, students are putting their bodies on the line each game they play. There’s possibilit y of suffering a traumatic brain injury or being paralyze after physical contact. These athletes are sacrificing their bodies and physical health atRead MoreShould Student Athlete Be Paid?1837 Words   |  8 PagesShould student-athlete be paid? The idea of paying college athletes to compete is not new, unlike most people think. This debate has been around since the 1800’s. The college sports industry makes about $11 billion in annual revenues. Fifty colleges report annual revenues that exceed $50 million. Nationally in 2010-11, the top 15 college basketball programs generated roughly $293 million, less than a third of what the top 15 football programs generated, baseball makes very little money compare toRead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1691 Words   |  7 PagesIt is mid-February and for college athletes and fans everywhere that means that the College Football â€Å"Bowl† season is over and â€Å"March Madness† is around the corner. The â€Å"Bowl† Season is a series of college football games from the elite teams, sponsored by various corporations and â€Å"March Madness† is a 68 team single elimination tournament to decide who the best team in college basketball is. For the stud ents involved they get a chance to have their legacy live on forever and for some it is a chanceRead MoreEssay on Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid941 Words   |  4 PagesStudent Athletes Should Not Be Paid In the world of college athletics there are endless topics discussed daily and most pertain to money. An issue that falls under this category includes the heated debate involving whether or not student athletes should receive money. Many people say student athletes should receive compensation according to their specific needs because they spend so much time earning their scholarship and have no time to work. On the other hand, the stronger argument is student

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Capital Punishment24 Essay Example For Students

Capital Punishment24 Essay Capital punishment is necessary in order for justice to prevail. Capital punishment is the execution of criminals for commiting crimes, regarding so bad that this is the only acceptable punishment. Capital punishment lowers the murder rate, but its value as retribution alone is a good reason for handing out death sentences. It is one of the only fair punishments allowed by the judicial system. Another issue is that it saves money compared to the alternative of life in prison. The death penalty deters murder and prevents murderers from killing again by putting the fear of death in to would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty may help deter murder is the fact that if the killer is death, he or she will not be able to kill again. Criminals deserve to die and not stay in jail. If a man kills a man and is convicted he should be ready to die next. Supporters of the death penalty feel that crimina ls should be punished for their crimes, and that it doesnt matter whether it will deter crime. They want to make examples out of offenders so that the threat of death will be enough to stop them from commiting such horrible crimes. Some people might say to give the murderer life in prison. This is hardly a punishment at all. Today, due to overcrowding in prisons, a lot of prisoners dont serve their full sentence.Another thing about todays prisons is that the prisoners get free meals, clothes, bed, electricity, air conditioning and heating, cable and many other luxuries that make it a comfortable place to live if you get used to the people. The death penalty should be given the day after conviction. Many people believe that criminals live in prison off of other peoples hard earned money. Criminals should think of the consequences before they kill someone. If they dont do this or did and still killed someone, they probably arent intelligent enough to make any positive impact on the wo rld or they are mentally unstable. They shouldnt get off the hook for killing someone. people might feel that sentencing them to life in prison is punishment enough but to other people it is just getting off the hook. There are seven main types of execution: Hanging, where the prisoner is blindfolded and stands on a trap door, with a rope around his neck. The trap door is opened suddenly. The weight of the prisoners body below the neck causes traction separating the spinal cord from the brain. The second most widely used technique is shooting, where a firing quad shoots the prisoner from some meters away. Another method is Guillotine, a device consisting of a heavy blade held aloft between upright guides and dropped to behead the victim below. Then there was garroting, in which a tightened iron collar is used to strangle or break the neck of a condemned person. One of the more recent is Electrocution where the prisoner is fastened to a chair by his chest, groin, arms and legs. Elect rodes are placed around a band around the head, then jolts of 4-8 amperes at voltage between 500 and 2000 volts are applied at half a minute at a time. The newest forms of execution are Lethal Injection where a lethal poison is injected into the prisoners arm or the Gas Chamber where the prisoner is placed in a room with Sodium Cyanide crystals and left to die. To give a killer the death penalty it would reassure the people close to the victim it would not happen again. Also it gives them the feeling that the death has been avenged. A family will feel less pain if the killer dies like he should. It also makes criminals think about whether comminting a crime is really worth their lives. When a killer stays in prison he takes up space in already over crowed prisons. Capital punishment ensures peace of mind to the world because it ensures that murders will never kill again. .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .postImageUrl , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:hover , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:visited , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:active { border:0!important; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:active , .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9 .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u33605b4b0734531971ef6c72dc58f8d9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Meet That Someone Special With One Of The Free Online Dating Services Essay Bibliography:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care free essay sample

Discuss ethical dilemma that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care. The definition of ethical dilemma is also known as a moral dilemma, which are situations that there has to be a choice made between two options that are the right or wrong. On the other hand, ethical dilemmas assume that the chooser will obey by social norms, such as codes of law or religious teachings, in order to make the choice ethically impossible and that practitioner’s conflict with their duty of care that is to protect individuals and service users. For example, according to Wyatt.L et al (2017) in a residential care home if a patient has always been lifted by the hoist to get into bed but the patient now wants to be lifted into bed manually, the care worker would have to be aware that they are following the procedures that are required in the care plan in regards of safeguarding them self and the patient. We will write a custom essay sample on Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, another common ethical dilemma experience by both beginner and experienced social workers is the right to confidentiality and the right to self-determination especially in cases of suicidal clients, health care practitioners must respect a clients right to privacy and confidentiality to promote equality, and they may not confess information about a client without his prior. However, in cases of suicidality or the threat of harm to another person, a social worker is forced to break confidentiality to protect her client and the public. Explain how to support others in promoting equality and rights. In healthcare settings, equality and rights are very significant because the organization needs to ensure that patients and service users are meeting all their needs as well as that they have equal access to services in regards of disabled people. For instance, ways of promoting equality and rights would be the code of conduct that sets out the expected conduct of health care workers within the organization that outlines the behavior and attitudes you would require so that this would prevent safety within the environment and protecting individuals. In addition, organizations should be providing all staff with the opportunity to complete equality and diversity training as part of their induction and provide regular refresher training to reflect changes in legislation and this will encourage health care workers to have a better understanding.On the other hand, health practitioners would need to treat and respect every individual equally acknowledge that if they are not following policies and procedures according to The Equality Act 2010 then this would be against the law that can lead to serious problems. In addition, a way of promoting equality and rights would be that the organization should establish meetings in regards to p romoting equality and rights to give a clear understanding.