Wednesday, February 26, 2020


REFLECTION ON RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGICAL CHOICES IN THREE ACADEMIC ARTICLE ON THEORY OF COMPLIANCE - Essay Example This write up presents the analysis of three articles dealing with different ideas regarding customer compliance. Casabov and Da-Cuhna (2004) evaluated whether call center services are comprised of client centricity or by control of customer by employees. Dellande and Nyer (2007) studied the impact of public commitment to customer compliance, while Dellande, Gilly and Graham (2004) evaluated the providers’ role in gaining compliance. Casabov and Da-Cuhna (2004) studied two Brazilian call centres seeking to determine whether the service interfaces fortitudes were customer guided or depended on the control of employees over the customers. The enquiry adopted the use of direct surveillance and semi structured interviews to collect the information. The information was collected from managers, overseers and technicians. The researchers carried out 33 interviews and two-week observations in two call centres. The study indicated that control was extensively practiced and did not resu lt in prolonged customer dissatisfaction. Dellande, Gilly and Graham (2004) evaluated the role of service provider in ensuring compliance. They used weight loss subjects from Lindora Comprehensive Weight Control. Lindora uses a platform based on medicine to regulate weight. The program has clinics throughout southern California. Data was collected by use of questionnaires disseminated to nurses and patients, use of archival data, and interviews. The data analysis method used was the PLS structural equation method given the complex mathematical nature of the data presented. They found out that provider expertise determined client’s role clarity, which in turn affected compliance. Attitudinal homophily was a significant factor in influencing compliance. Further, they concluded that role clarity, and role ability influence compliance. Dellande and Nyer (2007) evaluated the effect of public pledge on acquiescence. The study seeks to investigate the role of open commitment in gain ing client acquiescence. The study collected data using 3 x 2 full factorial designs employing three levels of commitment. They engaged the use of median split to generate two ranks of SNI (low and high). The subjects were drawn from an online marketing introductory course. 102 students participated but 96 completed the study. The researchers evaluated the effect of an open declaration to conserve paper on the students’ continued conservation of papers during the term. The researchers found out that people who made an open declaration to conserve papers conserved more papers that those who made private declarations and those who did not make any pledge. Further, those who made private declaration conserved more than those who did not make any pledges. Part two: Methodological evaluation of the articles Casabov and Da-Cuhna (2004): Employee Control in Call Centers The methodology employed in the article tackling the call centers service deliveries in two Brazilian call centers employed the use of exposed surveillance, where the researcher were strategically placed to view the reactions of the customers for two weeks. The study also engaged the use of semi-structured questionnaires to 33 employees of the two call centers. The respondents included call centers managers, their supervisors and the operative staff members. The sample size in qualitative researches has been debated by various scholars in an attempt to identify the ideal size. Stead, Struwig and Struwig (2001, p.

Monday, February 10, 2020

SWOT Analsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SWOT Analsis - Assignment Example Second reason is the promotion the company has in football clubs which is my favorite game and lastly is the attracting advertising criteria for the different brand it manufactures on television. The company uses large volumes investment styles in the market to cope up with the giant competitors. Its objectives are subjected towards growth, value, and quality index-oriented brand approaches. Despite the company facing the macroeconomics competition challenges it is able to attractively invest and market its brand globally. The X&Y company objectives and strategy are based on long-term capital growth and best quality of non-alcoholic brand known as teens. (Allen, 2009). The strength of this company is openly found on aspects such as; the employees are able to enjoy the services provided by the company as well as the allowances. This hence has great significant on efficient output and the quality of the brand. Employees benefit from the job security thus easing supervision and management control. The product of X&Y Company is loaded with romanticizing image which is attractive to many people. It is probably enjoyed in the world with an average of 500 million people per day. On global scales, the company is able to market its brand in large volumes and therefore making cash inflows in its equity. The consumer purchasing power is increasing by 5% worldly though faced with giant competitors like coco cola. Market trend information is another aspect. The company has developed a quality information online desk to enhance financial information sharing and market forces effects. X&Y Company is a debt-free, with ample liquidity. The cash and supported portfolio investment holdings amounting nearly $ 5.8 billion by year 2014. Although it suffers heavy outflows in advertising and promotion, it remains strong on earnings and revenue results. The company is characterized to the increased profitability to its branches in various countries and